The Emacs plugin is stable. Python 2.7 or 3.X and Emacs 24 are required.
Initial Setup
Recommended: Installation using MELPA
M-x package-install <RET> floobits <RET>
- Create a ~/.floorc.json.
Manual installation using git
cd ~/.emacs.d/ git clone https://github.com/Floobits/floobits-emacs.git floobits
Add Floobits to your
:(load "~/.emacs.d/floobits/floobits.el")
- Create a ~/.floorc.json.
You’ll need to restart Emacs once you’ve installed the plugin.
All commands are documented in apropos-command <RET> floobits
M-x floobits-join-workspace <RET> https://floobits.com/owner/workspace/ <RET>
Join an existing floobits workspace.M-x floobits-share-dir-public <RET> DIR <RET>
Create a workspace and populate it with the contents of the directory, DIR (or make it).M-x floobits-share-dir-private <RET> DIR <RET>
Create a workspace and populate it with the contents of the directory, DIR (or make it).M-x floobits-leave-workspace <RET>
Leave the current workspace.M-x floobits-summon <RET>
Summon everyone in the workspace to your cursor position.M-x floobits-follow-mode-toggle <RET>
Toggle following of recent changes.M-x floobits-clear-highlights <RET>
Clears all mirrored highlights.C-x r l <RET> This is a built in emacs command to show all bookmarks.
The Emacs plugin has an extra feature not found in the other editor plugins: bookmarks are automatically created for each user's last cursor position. These bookmarks are prefaced with 'floobits'.