Getting Started

The Floobits atom plugin is open source. Please consult our known issues if you run into any problems.

Any command highlighted in the instructions below can be accessed via the command palette.


Install the plugin using the plugin manager or in your shell via apm install floobits

Setting up your Floobits Account

All Floobits plugins require a floobits account. When the plugin does not find a valid ~/.floorc.json file, it will guide you in creating a new account or logging in to your existing account. Afterwards, it will create the ~/.floorc.json file for you.


Pairing - Share your code

Floobits uses the concept of a workspace for pairing. You can think of a workspace as a root directory and its children specified by a canonical URL. Files outside of the root directory can not be added to the workspace for security reasons. Floobits plugins generally follow .gitignore and .flooignore rules - files or directories that are ignored will not be added to workspaces.

Once you join a workspace, floobits will actively sync edits made via Atom to everyone in the workspace (subject to floobits permissions). All parties can simultaneously edit files.

To Create a Workspace

Pairing - Joining

Due to limitations in the Atom API, you may only join a workspace in the current Atom window in an existing top level folder.

To Join a Floobits Workspace


Pairing on tough problems inevitably involves terminals. The floobits Atom plugin allows you to share your terminals via the Term3 package. The controlling terminal broadcasts stdout and receieves stdin from others in the workspace with admin permission. The controlling terminal never broadcasts stdin and does not accept newlines from peers. These terminals are compatibile with flootty.

Any Term3 Terminal in an Atom window joined to a workspace will be shared!

Video Chatting

The Floobits plugin supports video chatting within a workspace via WebRTC. To start chatting, click on a users gravatar.

Advanced Features

Follow Mode Floobits: Follow Changes

Follow mode also attemps to move you to the last known position of the selected Floobits user. Afterwards, Atom will automatically open files and move the view port to the current cursor position of that user. You may also click on the broadcast icon on a user's portrait to toggle folllowing that user.

Summon (Other Users) Floobits: Summon

Summon is the opposite of follow mode, although it is not modal. Summon will bring the other Floobits users in the workspace to your current cursor position.