Floobits Organizations
Floobits organizations make it easier for larger groups to work together. If you spend much of your time working with the same group, it probably makes sense to use a Floobits organization.
Manage Permissions
Instead of manually adding and removing users from all of your workspaces, organizations let you manage members. Members of organizations automatically have permission to edit all workspaces owned by the org. Members with administration privileges can delete workspaces and manage members.
Video chat
Working on different projects, but still want to keep in touch? Floobits orgs have a chat page. Each user in org chat has a grayscale thumbnail that updates every 60 seconds. Clicking on the thumbnail immediately starts video chat with them. Compared to typical video chat (where the callee is forced to answer), the experience is much more fluid and frictionless.
If the user isn't available for video chat (either due to lack of camera or an incompatible browser), their Gravatar appears. They can still send and receive text messages.
IRC Integration
Just like our workspaces, org chat can be joined with an IRC client. For more info, see our IRC help.
Interested in using a Floobits organization? You can create one now.